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Year Month Volume Title Subtitle Author
2024 Jul 118 At the Archives: Gold Medal for the Archives! David Parker
2024 Jul 118 Pioneering Church Leaders in Queensland’s First Decade David Parker
2024 Jul 118 Flashback: GM Hickson
2024 Jul 118 Humble Beginnings: Brassall Baptist Church David Parker
2024 Jul 118 Happy 40th Birthday, Baptist Historical Society of Queensland!
2024 Mar 117 Calling Woodwork Restorers! Editorial
2024 Mar 117 Baptists in Queensland and the Charismatic Movement Movement Part 7 (section b) David Parker
2024 Mar 117 Farewell, QB Magazine RW Hughes
2024 Mar 117 ANZAC: Ronald Jack Paine Darryl Skerman
2024 Mar 117 Baptist Snapshot David Parker
2023 Nov 116 Baptist Heritage Queensland Annual Report 2023 Eric Kopittke
2023 Nov 116 Baptists in Queensland and the Charismatic Movement—Part 7 David Parker
2023 Aug 115 ‘When the world came to town’ 35 years ago Editorial
2023 Aug 115 Baptist Churches and the Big Mandarin David Parker
2023 Aug 115 Where are They Now? Expo 88-related Materials and Buildings Bought by QB Churches David Parker and Susan McQuay
2023 Aug 115 150 Years of Church Buildings Photographs Project Complete David Parker
2023 Apr 114 Anzac George Henry Scoones Darryl Skerman
2023 Apr 114 Anzac James Johnston, Jnr and His Family David Driver
2023 Apr 114 Bunyan in Brisbane Henry George Cray David Parker
2023 Apr 114 Bunyan and Bedford Noelene Kidd
2022 Nov 113 Congratulations Editorial Eric Kopittke
2022 Nov 113 Elders in Queensland Baptist Churches Turning History Upside Down? Rev. Dr. David Parker
2022 Aug 112 The Importance of Maintaining Denominational Archives Pam Condie
2022 Aug 112 Humble Beginnings: Three active churches circling Brisbane David Parker
2022 Aug 112 Baptist churches and ministers in Queensland Trends over the last 20 years David Parker
2022 Apr 111 End of an Era Eric Kopittke
2022 Apr 111 Baplink — Origins and Backgrounds David Parker
2022 Apr 111 Lutheran Baptists at Ipswich? Eric Kopittke
2021 Nov 110 News and Notes New book – Mission to Queensland – the continuing story David Parker
2021 Nov 110 Baptist Heritage Queensland - 2014-2021 David Parker
2021 Nov 110 Pulpit and press Early Baptists became pioneering newspapermen Rod Kirkpatrick
2021 Nov 110 Baptist Heritage Queensland - Annual Meeting and Reports Editor
2021 Aug 109 Baptist Heritage – 7th Historic Plaque Unveiled at Significant City Site
2021 Aug 109 BHSQ News
2021 Aug 109 Mrs Marianne Slade Robert Gribben, AM
2021 Aug 109 Baptists in Queensland and COVID-19 David Parker
2021 Apr 108 BHQ News New Book, New Plaque, New Website
2021 Apr 108 The Baptist Church Archives Queensland 2012-2020 David Parker
2020 Nov 107 Heritage Plaque Number 6 North East Baptist Church Editor
2020 Nov 107 Midbar The Dream that Died David Parker
2020 Nov 107 My First One Hundred Days… Dr Pamela Condie OAM
2020 Nov 107 New Book on the Way—Baptist Camping in Queensland Editor
2020 Nov 107 Baptist Heritage Queensland Annual — Meeting News Editor
2020 Nov 107 Secretary's Annual Report — 2020 Bill Hughes
2020 Nov 107 Archives Report — Highlights Editor
2020 Aug 106 Changeover at the Archives Editor
2020 Aug 106 Public Advocacy – Why would Baptists in Australia bother? A brief report from Australia David Parker
2020 Aug 106 Baptists in Queensland and the Spanish ‘Flu' How did they cope in 1919? David Parker
2020 Apr 105 News & Notes Research Success; Archive Staffing; New Book: Baptists in the 'Never Never' Editorial
2020 Apr 105 All the Way: ‘God’s Good Hand Rev Dr Stan W Nickerson
2019 Dec 104 End of an Era by Eric Kopittke Editorial
2019 Dec 104 Baptist Heritage Qld and Archives - Annual Reports Editor
2019 Dec 104 All the Way: ‘Faith Seeking Understanding’ David Parker
2019 Aug 103 ‘The Gardener’ and the Silver Salver Bill Hughes
2019 Aug 103 Stanthorpe—thirty years to plant a church! Part 2 David Parker
2019 Aug 103 Warwick Baptist Church David Parker and Bill Hughes
2019 Apr 102 Vale—John Lane Editor
2019 Apr 102 Stanthorpe—thirty years to plant a church! Part 1 David Parker
2019 Apr 102 ‘All the Way’—E J ‘Uncle Eddie’ Free Editor
2018 Dec 101 News and Notes Essay Prize Presentation Editor
2018 Dec 101 Chas Sankey Fraser optometrist and Baptist Eric Kopittke
2018 Dec 101 Allora Baptist Church 1950-70 David Parker
2018 Dec 101 BHQ Annual Reports 2018 Editor
2018 Aug 100 News and Notes QB Forum Number 100 Editor
2018 Aug 100 BHQ 7th Heritage Essay Prize Entry 2018 Greg Beaumont
2018 Apr 99 News and Notes Editor
2018 Apr 99 Another woman who made a difference - Mrs Irvine of Nundah Bill Hughes
2018 Apr 99 Moore Park Sunday School and church Valerie Dieckmann
2018 Apr 99 The origins of the Chinchilla Baptist Church (Darling Downs Project) David Parker
2017 Dec 98 Hertiage Bus Tour
2017 Dec 98 Fortesque Street Church 1865-1876-1889 Bill Hughes
2017 Dec 98 All the Way! Gerhard Bargen
2017 Dec 98 BHQ, Archives - Annual Reports
2017 Aug 97 Plaque Number 3 Dedication
2017 Aug 97 First for BHQ-Heritage Bus Tour
2017 Aug 97 Resources for Compiling a Baptist Church History David Parker
2017 Aug 97 ‘All the way’ Rev Dr S W Solomon (2)
2017 Aug 97 Qld Baptists, the Census and NCLS
2017 Apr 96 News and Notes
2017 Apr 96 ‘All the way’ Rev Ken Steer
2017 Apr 96 ‘All the way’ Rev Dr Stan Solomon
2017 Apr 96 Pastoring in the Good Old Days Lanefield/Marburg Rev HL McIntyre
2016 Dec 95 6th Heritage Essay Prize Award Presentation Called Home
2016 Dec 95 BHQ and Archives Annual Reports 2016
2016 Dec 95 Dalby Baptist Church the origins David Parker
2016 Dec 95 Baptism and Communion glimpses from the pages of the QB David Parker
2016 Aug 94 Toowong Baptist Church Anniversary Heritage Plague
2016 Aug 94 The Autonomy of the Local Church-Biblical or Historical? (6th BHQ Heritage Prize Winning Essay) Dean Sanham
2016 Apr 93 BHQ - Baptist Heritage Plagues
2016 Apr 93 Toowoomba Baptist Church the foundations David Parker
2016 Apr 93 Rev Dr SW Nickerson Principal Malyon College John Mayne
2015 Dec 92 BHQ - Annual Report 2015
2015 Dec 92 JG Schneider family celebration
2015 Dec 92 JG Schneider appreciation from a descendant Peter Whitehead
2015 Dec 92 William Moore R W (Bill) Hughes
2015 Dec 92 Highfields its early life-the short story David Parker
2015 Aug 91 Milestones - including tribute to late Dr Ken Smith
2015 Aug 91 Figuring Queensland Baptists
2015 Aug 91 Queensland Baptist voices on the War Rev CJW Moon, Rev WG Pope & Rev W Bell Rev CJW Moon, Rev WG Pope & Rev W Bell
2015 Aug 91 A decade of church growth 150 years ago David Parker
2015 Aug 91 The story behind the photo Rev Albert Butler Faith Colegrove
2015 Apr 90 News and Notes Gallipoli 100th
2015 Apr 90 News and Notes New BHQ officers
2015 Apr 90 News and Notes Convention
2015 Apr 90 BHQ 30th Annual Report
2015 Apr 90 1915 The Year that made Australia!
2015 Apr 90 Honour Boards & their Stories Bill Hughes
2015 Apr 90 Qld Baptist Voice on the War Reports from BUQ Assemblies, 1915,-16
2015 Apr 90 Mrs Ellen Chataway a Tribute
2015 Apr 90 German Baptists and Revival David Parker
2014 Dec 89 5th Heritage Essay Prize Winner Announced
2014 Dec 89 Heritage Prize Winning Essay Independence and Interdependence: Baptist Ecclesiology Neil Parker
2014 Aug 88 Trends-Tracks-Trophies 30 Years of Change Featured at Archives Open Day
2014 Aug 88 Preserve, Promote & Publish our Heritage 30 Year History of the BHSQ Part 2 David Parker
2014 Aug 88 A Picnic Today Sponsored by the Baptist Men’s Society
2014 Aug 88 Churches with Dementia Bill Hughes
2014 Aug 88 NSW BHS Celebrates 40 Years
2014 Apr 87 Trends-Tracks-Trophies 30 Years of the Archives and BHQ
2014 Apr 87 Preserve, Promote & Publish our Heritage 30 Year History of the BHSQ Part 1 David Parker
2014 Apr 87 Exploring the ‘Community’ in Baptist ‘Community’ Churches Dr Anne Klose
2013 Dec 86 Historic Meeting of Archivists
2013 Dec 86 The Australian Baptist becoming available in digital form
2013 Dec 86 From Five Barley Loaves now published
2013 Dec 86 Baptists in the Golden West Rockville Baptist Church David Parker
2013 Dec 86 Baptists in the Golden West Baptists Dream of the South West! Part 1 David Parker
2013 Dec 86 BHQ - 29th Annual Report
2013 Aug 85 Heritage Developments
2013 Aug 85 The Wharf Street Dispute of 1864 Bill Hughes
2013 Aug 85 Tracing our First Minister More Stewart Family Details
2013 Aug 85 Baptists in the Golden West
2013 Apr 84 BHQ Baptist Essay Prize 2012 Winners
2013 Apr 84 Prize Essay Tim Lucas (abbreviated) Tim Lucas
2013 Apr 84 Prize Essay Matt Littlefield (abbreviated) Matt Littlefield
2013 Apr 84 Two new publications from BHQ Baptists in Qld; National Guide
2013 Apr 84 Memorial Display Cabinets for Archives
2012 Dec 83 Milestone for the Archives and others
2012 Dec 83 Baptist Church Archives Qld Turns 30
2012 Dec 83 Tracing our First Minister's Family
2012 Dec 83 BHQ Annual Report 2012
2011 Dec 83 27th Annual Report
2012 Aug 82 Something more than Gold Launching
2012 Aug 82 By-Laws, Anniversaries & Celebrations
2012 Aug 82 Digitisation of Church Records a Guide
2012 Aug 82 Fascinating Figures Baptists and the 2011 Census David Parker
2012 Aug 82 Baptists on the Darling Downs
2012 Aug 82 Senior Girls’ Missionary Union Bill Hughes
2012 Aug 82 An Appeal to Church Historians BWA Neville Callam
2012 Apr 81 Something more than Gold Ready for Launching
2012 Apr 81 Archives Going Digital
2012 Apr 81 Warwick Centenary Celebrations Bill Hughes
2012 Apr 81 Saved the Gatton Story
2012 Apr 81 Jireh Honour Board Stars
2011 Dec 80 Gone . . .but not forgotten Hughes, Bill
2011 Dec 80 In memory of ….
2011 Dec 80 Making Sense of Martha Gooden, Rosalind M.
2011 Aug 79 Archives on Display
2011 Aug 79 Our Elusive Rev. Charles Smith Parker, David
2011 Aug 79 Rev Mel Williams - Vale
2011 Aug 79 The End of an Era - BUQ Presidency abolished
2011 Aug 79 The SGMU Hughes, Bill
2011 Apr 78 Central Queensland—A Baptist Story
2011 Apr 78 BHQ 2010 Essay Prize
2011 Apr 78 BHQ Activities
2011 Apr 78 Baptist DNA-What about our view of the Church? Klose, Anne
2010 Dec 77 26th Annual Report
2010 Dec 77 Baptist Records on CD
2010 Dec 77 Deagon Mission Church 1918-93 Hughes, Bill
2010 Dec 77 Kalbar 135 years
2010 Dec 77 The Lure of Gold-Rockhampton 150 years
2010 Aug 76 Baptists in Queensland & the Charismatic Movement Part 6 Parker, David
2010 Aug 76 New and Continuing Projects
2010 Aug 76 R.A. Scanlan, OAM - obituary
2010 Apr 75 Edward Street Baptist Church Revisited Hughes, Bill
2010 Apr 75 New Projects for BHQ
2010 Apr 75 The Temples of Windmill Hill John Steele
2009 Dec 74 25th Annual Report 2009
2009 Dec 74 Baptists 400th Anniversary
2009 Dec 74 Baptists Today Part II by Mark Mackay Mackay, Mark
2009 Dec 74 BHQ marks 25 years
2009 Dec 74 Jireh Baptist Church Honour Board Hughes, Bill
2009 Aug 73 Baptist Churches on the Move Parker, David
2009 Aug 73 Baptists 1609-2009
2009 Aug 73 Baptists Today Part I Mackay, Mark
2009 Aug 73 Historic Baptist House For Sale
2009 Aug 73 Women who made a Difference launch
2009 Apr 72 400 years of Baptists
2009 Apr 72 Ancient Christian Healing Practice
2009 Apr 72 ICOBS & ABRF in Australia 2009
2009 Apr 72 Moore Park-50 years
2009 Apr 72 Qld Researcher and Canberra History
2009 Apr 72 Rev. H G Hackworthy Hughes, Bill
2009 Apr 72 The Church in the City John Lane
2009 Apr 72 Women who made a Difference launch
2008 Dec 71 'Women who made a Difference' - Project Completion
2008 Dec 71 2008 Baptist Heritage Qld Essay Competition Prize Winning Entry Faith Giovas
2008 Dec 71 24th Annual General Meeting, 8 November 2008 Secretary's Report
2008 Aug 70 'Women who made a Difference' - End in Sight Marking “150" with a Celebration of Queensland Women
2008 Aug 70 Essay Competition
2008 Aug 70 Next meeting - Change of Date
2008 Aug 70 Eliza Ann Fewings (1857-1940) Bill Hughes
2008 Aug 70 Celebrating in 2009 David Parker
2008 Aug 70 Spurgeon and the South Pacific Digest of an address given by at the Baptist Historical Society of Queensland Nundah Baptist Church, Monday, July 25th, 1988 Rev. Dr Craig Skinner,
2008 Aug 70 Checking our Vital Signs David Parker
2008 Apr 69 'Women who made a Difference'
2008 Apr 69 Essay Competition
2008 Apr 69 Freda Lane - A Baptist Musician John Lane
2008 Apr 69 Baptists in Queens/and & the Charismatic Movement Part 5 David Parker
2007 Dec 68 'Women who made a Difference'
2007 Dec 68 Qld Baptist Essay Competition 2008
2007 Dec 68 Baptist Heritage Queensland 23rd Annual General Meeting 17 November 2007 Secretary's Annual Report
2007 Dec 68 Grace Hickson Official Baptist Union of Queensland Tribute 24 Jan 1980
2007 Dec 68 Official Baptist Union of Queensland Tribute 24 Jan 1980 Ros Gooden
2007 Aug 67 Deaconess Bell McMahon Worthy of Honour'
2007 Aug 67 Baptists in Queens/and & the Charismatic Movement Part 4 David Parker
2007 Aug 67 Major new Bibliographic and Heritage Collection Management Study Published
2007 Apr 66 Celebrating the Contribution of Baptist Women
2007 Apr 66 Early Baptist Churches in Queensland-No 19 Hendra (C/ayfie/d) Baptist Church
2007 Apr 66 Woman: Her Position and Service in the Church The Queens/and Baptist Aug 1894 P 93 J.C. Keith
2007 Apr 66 Agnes Lawther Beeston-A Baptist Lady Rosemary Kopittke
2007 Apr 66 The Hymnal-a Milestone in Baptist Worship David Parker
2007 Apr 66 Postscript-Rev. Charles Stewart
2006 Dec 65 A Year of Baptist Heritage in Queensland
2006 Dec 65 Early Baptist Churches in Queensland-No 18 Mt Morgan Baptist Church
2006 Dec 65 Baptists in Queensland and the Charismatic Movement Part 3 David Parker
2006 Dec 65 Baptist Heritage Queens/and Secretary's Report 22nd Annual General Meeting, 4 November 2006
2006 Sep 64 Inaugural Baptist Heritage Essay Prize
2006 Sep 64 Baptism as a Baptist distinctive in historical and contemporary perspective Darren Clark
2006 Aug 63 'Extraordinary treatment of an important Baptist community'
2006 Aug 63 Early Baptist Churches in Queensland-No 17 Gympie Baptist Church
2006 Aug 63 Baptists Relations with Churches of Christ David Parker
2005 Apr 62 Studies in Baptist History and Thought
2005 Apr 62 Early Baptist Churches in Queensland No 16 Townsville Church
2005 Apr 62 Baptists in Queensland and the Charismatic Movement Part 2 1970s David Parker
2005 Dec 61 150 years of Baptist life - an overview Sesqui-centenary Parker, David
2005 Dec 61 Baptist Celebrations, Centenary
2005 Dec 61 BHSQ Annual Report 2005
2005 Dec 61 Launching of the new history, Pressing on with the Gospel
2005 Dec 61 The Lad from Spring Hill Part 2 Lines, Marie
2005 Aug 60 Aboriginal ministry in Queensland Parker, David
2005 Aug 60 Pressing on with the Gospel
2005 Aug 60 Relocation
2005 Aug 60 The Lad from Spring Hill Lines, Marie
2005 38 60 Early Baptist Churches in Queensland (# 15)
2004 Dec 59 Baptist work in the South Burnett Part 2 Lane, Rev John
2004 Dec 59 BHSQ Annual Report 2004
2004 Dec 59 Early Baptist Churches in Queensland (# 14)
2004 Dec 59 First German Baptist Church honoured
2004 Dec 59 Reflections on Baptists and Neo-Pentecostalism/Charismatic Movement Parker, David
2004 Aug 58 Baptist work in the South Burnett Lane, Rev John
2004 Aug 58 Early Baptist Churches in Queensland (# 13)
2004 Aug 58 William Richer Part 2 Gibson, James W.
2004 Apr 57 Centenary of Queensland Baptist College
2004 Apr 57 Early Baptist Churches in Queensland (# 12) Leeder, FR
2004 Apr 57 Launch of Horseman to Herald Perkins, Royce
2004 Apr 57 Our Twenty Years
2004 Apr 57 Seven biblical years of evangelism Parker, David
2003 Dec 56 BHSQ Annual Report 2003
2003 Dec 56 Early Baptist Churches in Queensland (# 11) Higlett, W
2003 Dec 56 The Carey letters - the local connection Parker, David
2003 Dec 56 William Richer Baptist minister Toowong pioneer Gibson, James W.
2003 Aug 55 Early Baptist Churches in Queensland (# 10)
2003 Aug 55 No gilded path of heaven Benson, Rod
2003 Apr 54 Church re-locates back to Nundah
2003 Apr 54 Church re-locates back to Nundah
2003 Apr 54 Church re-locates back to Nundah
2003 Apr 54 Early Baptist Churches in Queensland (# 09) Cray, H G
2003 Apr 54 Help needed with major project, 150th Anniversary
2003 Apr 54 Oral History session with retired ministers
2003 Apr 54 Samuel Lane Lane, Rev John
2002 Dec 53 BHSQ Annual Report 2002
2002 Dec 53 Communion Tokens of South Brisbane Williams, M
2002 Dec 53 Early Baptist Churches in Queensland (# 08) Higlett, W
2002 Dec 53 Higlett Project Parker, David
1996 Jul 52 Cemeteries - a forgotten resource? Kopittke, Eric and Rosemary
2002 Aug 52 Albion Baptist Church
2002 Aug 52 Celebrating Jireh - our most fruitful church?
2002 Aug 52 Centenary Jireh Baptist Church
2002 Aug 52 Jireh Particular Baptist Church
2002 Aug 52 Norman Park and Bulimba - Carey
2002 Aug 52 Norman Park and Bulimba - Carey
2002 Aug 52 Norman Park and Bulimba Carey
2002 Aug 52 Nundah Baptist Church
2002 Aug 52 Toowong Baptist Church
2002 Aug 52 Windsor Road Baptist Church
2002 Apr 51 Coorparoo Church recycled after 91 years
2002 Apr 51 Early Baptist Churches in Queensland (# 07) Higlett, Willima
2002 Apr 51 Relics of Sunday School Exams Wiliams, Mel
2002 Apr 51 Samuel Lane - formative years Lane, Rev John
2002 Apr 51 Anecdotes of Church and Manse Life Kajewski (Withers), Marie
2001 Dec 50 Early Baptist Churches in Queensland (# 06)
2001 Dec 50 Federation and Australian Baptists
2001 Dec 50 Federation
2001 Jul 49 Early Baptist Churches in Queensland (# 05)
2001 Jul 49 Federation
2001 Jul 49 Reunion Haldane, Leone
2001 Jul 49 Rockhampton Baptist Church - the early years Steer, Ken
2001 Jul 49 Schneider grave revisited
2001 Apr 48 Early Baptist Churches in Queensland (# 04)
2001 Apr 48 From our heritage - on Associations
2001 Apr 48 The German Baptist Church at Zillman Waterholes Williams, Melvin
2000 Dec 47 Early Baptist Churches in Queensland (# 03)
2000 Dec 47 Mt Berryman Baptist Sunday School Scanlan, Richard A.
2000 Dec 47 The advancement of Christ's kingdom Adam, Doug
2000 Aug 46 Carl Kemnitz and the Templin Assembly Wolter, Laurie
2000 Aug 46 Cuba para Christo - BWA General Council, Cuba Parker, David
2000 Aug 46 Early Baptist Churches in Queensland (# 02)
2000 Aug 46 In this corner of the vineyard - eary years Whitehead, Peter
2000 Apr 45 Building spiritual vitality through unity Voller, Rev. James
2000 Apr 45 Early Baptist Churches in Queensland (# 01)
2000 Apr 45 Heritage program at the 18th BWA Congress
1999 Dec 44 Rev William Moore Cane, Troy
1999 Dec 44 Tragedy and Hope Part 2 Parker, David
1999 Aug 43 Baptist Ministers in Queensland 1906-1955 Parker, David
1999 Aug 43 Seven delightful decades - review Chataway, Ellen
1999 Aug 43 Tragedy and Hope Part 1 Parker, David
1999 Apr 42 Baptist Ministers in Queensland 1849-1905 Part 3 Parker, David
1999 Apr 42 The emergence of the Postmodern Church Parker, David
1996 Apr 41 Joshua Jenyns - a controversial figure Williams, Rev. M.C.
1999 Apr 41 Johann Gerhard Oncken Kopittke, Eric
2009 Apr 41 Ipswich-150 years
1998 Dec 41 Baptist Ministers in Queensland 1849-1905 Part 2 Parker, David
1998 Dec 41 Celebrating 150 years of evangelical witness Stewart, Rev Charles
1998 Dec 41 Inside a mission treasurer's house Kirkwood, Rev. Dr N.
1998 Dec 41 Unravelling the Deacon mystery Parker, David
1998 Jul 40 Baptist Ministers in Queensland 1849-1905 Part 1 Parker, David
1998 Jul 40 Pastoral Profiles 18 Rev E.A. Kirwood Higlett, Rev. W.
1998 Jul 40 Research published Stewart, Rev. Charles
1998 Jul 40 Successfull annual celebration and book launch
1998 Jul 40 Three Baptist Pawnbrokers Lee, Graham S.
1998 Apr 39 German Baptists Revisited III Ministerial List Parker, David
1998 Apr 39 Pastoral Profiles 15 - Kingsford Rev. J., Higlett
1998 Apr 39 Sketches of bush work in Queensland Higlett, Rev. W.
1997 Dec 38 About that which we sing Grieve, Catherine
1997 Dec 38 German Baptists Revisited II Parker, David
1997 Dec 38 Pastoral Profiles 14 - Shaw Rev. A.D., Higlett
1997 Dec 38 Successful launch of James Voller Book
1997 Jul 37 German Baptists Revisited I Parker, David
1997 Jul 37 Independent India's Troubled North East Kirkwood, Rev. Dr N.
1997 Jul 37 Pastoral Profiles 13 - Coombs Rev. H., Higlett
1997 Jul 37 Rev. J. Heinrich Scanlan, Richard A.
1997 Jul 37 Taringa Baptist Church Centenary & Rev J. Voller
1997 Apr 36 Baptist SS Examination Gold Medals Williams, Rev. M.C.
1997 Apr 36 Brisbane Cemeteries for Baptist Family History Parker, David
1997 Apr 36 Pastoral Profiles 11a - Page Rev. W., Higlett
1997 Apr 36 Pastoral Profiles 12a - Richer Rev. W., Higlett
1996 Nov 35 Baptist Archives in 1996 Parker, David
1996 Nov 35 Danish Baptists of Freestone Creek Williams, Rev. M.C.
1996 Nov 35 Mayurbhanj Messengers Rolley, Ailsa
1996 Nov 35 Pastoral Profiles 11 - Alexander Rev. J.M, Higlett
1996 Nov 35 Pastoral Profiles 12 - Leitch Rev. T., Higlett
1996 Jul 34 Baptists in Australia by P.J. Hughes Parker, David
1996 Jul 34 Pastoral Profiles 09 - Rev. W. Higlett Kingsford, Rev. J.
1996 Jul 34 Pastoral Profiles 10 - Rev. F.G. Buckingham Whale, Rev. W.
1996 Jul 34 Promotion, preservation, publication Ball, Dr. L.J.
1996 Jul 34 Queensland at the Baptist World Alliance Parker, David
1996 Apr 33 Flying Start Ball, Dr. L.J.
1996 Apr 33 My ancestors were Baptists by G.R. Breed Parker, David
1996 Apr 33 Pastoral Profiles - Rev J. B. Sneyd - further word Parker, David
1996 Apr 33 Pastoral Profiles 07 - Rev. C. Boyall Higlett, Rev. W.
1996 Apr 33 Pastoral Profiles 08 - Rev. J. Glover Higlett, Rev. W.
1996 Apr 33 Report of Callide Valley CE
1996 Apr 33 The origins of Thangool Baptist Church Ainsworth, Mr George
1995 Dec 32 Additional note Makin, Rev. E.R.
1995 Dec 32 Annual Report Chataway, Ellen
1995 Dec 32 Assembly Highlight Ball, Dr. L.J.
1995 Dec 32 Pastoral Profiles 05 - Rev. C. Krueger Higlett, Rev. W.
1995 Dec 32 Pastoral Profiles 06 - Rev. J.B. Sneyd Higlett, Rev. W.
1995 Dec 32 The Soren Jensen Family Part 2 Ball, Dr. L.J.
1995 Dec 32 Williams, Rev. M.C.
1995 Jul 31 Pastoral Profiles 03 - Rev. E.R. Makin Higlett, Rev. W.
1995 Jul 31 Pastoral Profiles 04 - Rev. T. Vigis Higlett, Rev. W.
1995 Jul 31 Photo, Wamuran Baptist Church
1995 Jul 31 The outlook Ball, Dr. L.J.
1995 Jul 31 The Soren Jensen Family Part 1 Ball, Dr. L.J.
1995 Apr 30 Editorial Ball, Dr. L.J.
1995 Apr 30 Baptist principles - rediscovering an identity Parker, David
1995 Apr 30 News, Hamburg Passenger Lists
1995 Apr 30 Pastoral Profiles 02 - Rev. A.G. Weller Higlett, Rev. W.
1995 Apr 30 Photo, Wamuran Baptist Church
1994 Dec 29 Annual Reports 1994 - Secretary Secretary, Treasurer
1994 Dec 29 Archives news
1994 Dec 29 James H. Cole and the Queensland Baptists Harding, Ann
1994 Dec 29 Leadership change for BHSQ Ball, Dr. L.J.
1994 Dec 29 Medals honour
1994 Dec 29 New decade for BHSQ
1994 Dec 29 Thomas Blacket Stephens - Cameos No 4 Williams, Rev. Melvin C.
1994 Jun 28 Baptist life and faith in the recent past Weston, Rev. Norman E.
1994 Jun 28 James Swan - pioneer Baptists and Publisher Williams, Rev. Melvin C.
1994 Jun 28 The BHSQ - an outline history after ten years Parker, David
1994 Jun 28 The way we were - a century ago Ball, Dr. L.J.
1994 Apr 27 Baptist Pioneer - Mr Thomas Woolley Cooper, Rev. S.
1994 Apr 27 Bernard Gilmore Wilson Williams, Rev. Melvin C.
1994 Apr 27 Give me a mountain (review) Parker, David
1994 Apr 27 Launch for first BHSQ Book
1994 Apr 27 Recent acquisitions for the Archives Parker, David
2005 Dec 27 Baptists Together in Christ 1905-2005 Parker, David
1993 Dec 26 Annual reports 1993
1993 Dec 26 Mr Ebenezer Hooker - first lay president Williams, Rev. Melvin C.
1993 Dec 26 One hundred years ago Williams, Rev. Melvin C.
1993 Dec 26 The Dart family (NSW)
1993 Aug 25 Church Histories in Baptist Archives
1993 Aug 25 Communion Tokens - Book Williams, Rev M.C.
1993 Aug 25 Dart Family of Queensland Parker, Joyce E.
1993 Aug 25 Managing Church Records - a Guide Parker, David
1993 Aug 25 Review, Christian Camping (vol 2) Joan Maxwell
1993 Aug 25 Review Parker, David
1993 Apr 24 All the presidential men Parker, David
1993 Apr 24 Counting Baptists Parker, David
1993 Apr 24 Histories of Qld Baptist churches in BTCQ Library
1993 Apr 24 History of the Sandgate Baptist Church Maxwell, Joan and John
1993 Apr 24 Thanksgiving
1992 Dec 23 Bribie Island Baptist Church Adam, Doug
1992 Dec 23 Great Queensland Baptist Parker, David
1992 Dec 23 Historical theses in BTCQ Library
1992 Dec 23 DUNLOP, REV. D. Scanlan, Richard A
1992 Dec 23 Secretary's report 1992 Chataway, Ellen
1992 Dec 23 The Serampore Trio (2) Jessup, Richard (adapted)
1992 Jul 22 Our Heroic Carey Manley, Ken
1992 Jul 22
1992 Mar 21 25 years at Gladstone Parker, David
1992 Mar 21 Johann George Schneider
1992 Mar 21 Opposition to state aid in schools (2) Smith, Ken
1992 Mar 21 The Serampore Trio (1) Jessup, Richard (adapted)
1991 Dec 20 Key Queensland Baptist - Rev. Ralph Sayce Parker, David
1991 Dec 20 Opposition to state aid in schools (1) Smith, Ken
1991 Dec 20 The Enquiry Parker, David
1991 Aug 19 Camping - insights of a director Knights, John
1991 Aug 19 Camping - memories of an early camper Hodgson, Ralph
1991 Aug 19 Camping - the writer's perspective Maxwell, Joan
1991 Aug 19 Petrie Terrace ceases ministry after 121 years Parker, David
1991 Aug 19 When a padre is not a padre! Williams, Rev. Melvin C.
1991 Apr 18 Baptist Union archives - a guide Parker, David
1991 Apr 18 Dr G.J. Morgans Parker, David
1991 Apr 18 Flashback - Queensland Baptists
1991 Apr 18 Miss Martha Plested Parker, David
1991 Apr 18 Rev B.G. Wilson Parker, David
1990 Nov 17 Label and date all documents Smith, Ken
1990 Nov 17 Social issues and the Baptist Union 1938-73 Smith, Ken
1990 Nov 17 Traditional Queensland Baptists Ball, Dr. L.J.
1990 Aug 16 Matron's view of aged care Lord, Emily
1990 Aug 16 Vision for aged care Lockhart, Max
1990 Apr 15 Christian Endeavour (CE) Origins Godman, Pat
1990 Apr 15 Christian Endeavour, its impact on my life Chataway, Ellen
1990 Apr 15 Treasure trove of books and papers Parker, David
1989 Nov 14 Doing local church history Parker, David
1989 Nov 14 Milestone for Clifford House Parker, David
1989 Nov 14 The unfinished chapter: book review Chataway, Ellen
1989 Jul 13 Boonah Baptist Church 1887-1987 Chataway, Ellen
1989 Jul 13 Reflections on college life McPherson, Don
1989 Jul 13 T.J. Malyon Nickerson, S.W.
1989 Apr 12 Baptist churches and social issues 1919-39 Buch, Neville
1989 Apr 12 Exploring Baptist Brisbane (rev) Parker, David
1989 Apr 12 Henri Nielsen, the man and his ministry Chataway, Ellen
1989 34 12 Historical thanksgiving service at Marburg Scanlan, Richard A.
1988 Nov 11 Amongst the branches Smith, Helen
1988 Nov 11 Computers Parker, David
1988 Nov 11 Family Histories - help is at hand Parker, David
1988 Nov 11 Family history our way Parker, Del and John
1988 Sep 10 Australian Baptists Past and Present (Review) Petras, Michael
1988 Sep 10 James Swan Parker, David
1988 Sep 10 Spurgeon and the South Pacific Skinner, C.P.
1988 Sep 10 Successful bicentennial presentation - Spurgeon
1988 Sep 10 William Whale O'Leary, Patrick
1988 Apr 9 Many Faiths, One Nation (Review) Gillman, I.
1988 Apr 9 Minimum Opportunity Calls for Maximum Effort(Revie Keith, E.V.
1988 Apr 9 Qld Baptist church histories in Union archives
1988 Apr 9 Triumphant Through Trials (Review) Maxwell, Joan
1987 Sep 8 In This Issue
1987 Sep 8 Baptist Churches Then and Now Mr Ray Smith
1987 Sep 8 Baptist Church Architecture in Queensland Graham A. Hobbs
1987 Apr 7 BHSQ Annual Public Meeting
1987 Apr 7 Jireh Church
1987 Apr 7 Projects
1987 Apr 7 Topp Family Centenary
1987 Apr 7 Treasures in your Archive
1987 Apr 7 Society News Finances
1987 Apr 7 BHSQ Annual Meeting 1986
1987 Apr 7 New South Wales Baptist Historical Society News
1987 Apr 7 Essay Competition
1987 Apr 7 Rev. William Whale An English Preparation Patrick O’Leary
1987 Apr 7 How to Organize a Family Centenary Dick Scanlan
1987 Apr 7 Book Review: The Small Archive’s Companion
1987 Apr 7 BHSQ Membership
1986 Oct 6 Annual Meeting BHSQ
1986 Oct 6 Large Crowd for Liebfest
1986 Oct 6 Warick’s 75th Anniversary John Churchward
1986 Oct 6 Forthcoming Anniversaries
1986 Oct 6 Membership
1986 Jul 5 Special Issue German Baptist Conference
1986 Jul 5 The Beginnings of the German Baptist Witness Rev. John White, M.A.
1986 Jul 5 The Churches of the German Baptist Conference The Beginnings
1986 Jul 5 The conference of the German Baptists in South-East Queensland Glenn Roberts
1986 Jul 5 Life of Pastor Hermann Windorf (1846-1922)
1986 Jul 5 The Life Writings and Work of Hermann Windolf (1846-1922) Glenn Roberts
1986 Jul 5 The Conference of German Baptists in South-East Queensland Glenn Roberts
1986 Jul 5 Hermann Windolf – Early German Pastor Glenn Roberts
1986 Mar 4 News And Notes
1986 Mar 4 Newsletter
1986 Mar 4 Eric Stanley Jones
1986 Mar 4 Research in Progress
1986 Mar 4 Publications
1986 Mar 4 Church Anniversaries
1986 Mar 4 Book Review: The English Baptists of the 17th Century
1986 Mar 4 Jireh Church Featured In British Baptist Historical Journal
1986 Mar 4 New South Wales Notes
1986 Mar 4 Baptist Archives, Queensland
1986 Mar 4 Coming Events
1985 Jul 3 Time To Review!
1985 Jul 3 The Small Woman
1985 Jul 3 Our first Year
1985 Jul 3 Recent Acquisitions for Baptist Archives
1985 Jul 3 Windsor Road Brian Robertson
1985 Jul 3 News From New South Wales
1985 Jul 3 The Register of Church Archives
1985 Jul 3 Coming Events
1985 Mar 2 Progress and Potential Editorial
1985 Mar 2 City Tabernacle Listed On The National Trust BHSQ meeting marks this recognition
1985 Mar 2 John White Writes Again!
1985 Mar 2 Queensland's First Missionary Information Wanted
1985 Mar 2 BHSQ Membehship – Growing!
1985 Mar 2 Sort Your Church's Histohical Records
1985 Mar 2 National Baptist History
1985 Mar 2 Essay Competition •••• $150. First Prize!
1985 Mar 2 Book Review: Lamplighter and Son The forgotten story of Thomas Spurgeon o:f his famous father, Charles Haddon Spurgeon
1985 Mar 2 Baptist Historical Society Of Queensland Programme For 1985
1984 Sep 1 We’re off!! And running Editorial
1984 Sep 1 Why Write Your Church’s History? Rev. Dr. David Parker
1984 Sep 1 Researching and Writing Your Church History. Rev. Larry Holt
1984 Sep 1 Printing and Publishing-Your Church History Rev. John Ward